Member-only story
Angel you’re my food
a love acrostic
Archeology is actually what we’ve embarked upon –
not a mere affair to remember, although memories
glacé each moment we’re graced together.
Excavation beneath frosting reveals the treasure in the King cake:
Love, Mary was sent Gabriel; I was sent you.
Finds within depths we had no idea we shared –
opals to remind us of the beauty within fire;
onyx, that the main ingredient in blackness is a rainbow;
diamonds, that coal is a gift urging transformation.
Can you take love’s hand? the subway poet asked us.
As it turned out, we could, although our walk’s kaleidoscopic
karma led us on more white-knuckled trails than you predicted.
Even so, let’s lace up; the views into the canyons are gorgeous.
©Jenine Bsharah Baines 2021
I’ve got angel food cake on my mind because my partner recently had a birthday and angel food is his favorite. A self-described “frugal” person, this year he has turned down gift ideas I’ve shot his way.
So, partner, here’s your gift. A poem.