Imad, I beyond empathize. My difficult relationship is with my mother. Two quick examples of many:
1. I flew to another city to take care of her during surgery. At the hospital, a nurse asked her if she had other children besides me. Right in my hearing, my mother replied, "I have a son. He's perfect...This one-" looking at me - "is strange."
2. I grew up hearing tales of how, when she learned she was pregnant w/ me (& worried it'd screw up her singing career at Miami Opera), she went up in a small plane where the pilot did all sorts of stunts, hoping she'd lose me."
At least you love your father. Applause for you. I've sort of fallen out of love & really feel rotten about that. I call daily but solely out of duty. I'm kind but only because I treat it as a spiritual lesson
So, again, I UNDERSTAND! Hang in there.