They do. Soundly. I've had 'friends' totally justify this, after I texted them "Are you proud of your party/President now?"
So tribal.
This will make you smile now that you're a Caroline Myss convert - I was listening to her "spiritual direction" series of talks. In the third one, she comments on how she loses it w/ Trump supporters. (This was recorded before the insurrection, of course) So I feel better - even CAROLINE struggles w/ them.
I think you should take this comment and expand it into an editorial asap! Then shoot it to editorial boards at Wash Post, NY Times, LA Times, your own bigtime paper.
I'd make the headline "Racism has done as much damage to whites as blacks" THAT line will get their attention.
Fresh perspective. And it's not like a white guy's writing it.
Yes, this is the publicist (retired) coming out in me.
LOVED your photos. Pollination of buds of change/ double rainbows - twin symbols of promise!!!